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🟠moremarkets application – unlock your place

the system is opening. movement is starting.

this is not for everyone—only those ready to move.

complete this to unlock your path inside moremarkets.

What is your wallet address?


Please connect your wallet and sign the message to verify ownership.

NOTE: connecting your wallet will not trigger a transaction or cost any gas fees.

What is your X username?


stay connected. stay informed.

What is your Discord handle?


access depends on it. use the right one.

What is your Telegram handle?


another channel. another edge.

What assets do you hold?


the markets you touch shape your path.

What are you looking for in DeFi?


what drives your next move?

How active are you in crypto?


your level in the system? (beginner, intermediate, advanced, institutional)

Approximate portfolio size?


(ranges: <$1k, $1k-$10k, $10k-$100k, $100k+)


Are you interested in exclusive access to early defi opportunities?


doors open first for those who move first.